This Reduction Oxidation Media is Tested and Certified by NSF International against NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for material requirements only.
Lead Removal Test
Lab Test Results from PatChem Laboratories
Lab Test Result Show Heavy Metal and Lead Removal in Water Filter Device with KDF® Process Media
Lab Test Results from PatChem Laboratories
Customer: Systematix Inc.

Sample Date: 3-23-90 Report Date: 5-04-90
Sample ID: 9003-1233B Di-Tech KDC+1.5
One Systematix 9-3/4" filter cartridge was received for testing to determine its ability to handle heavy metal removal from water.
Reagent grade lead chloride was spiked into drinking water and run through the filter per manufacture and NSF specifications. The influent and effluent water were tested per EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste (EPA-600/4-79-020).
Total Flow | Influent Water | Effluent Water | % Removal |
1 Gallon |
0.17 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
5 Gallon |
0.16 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
10 Gallon |
0.16 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
50 Gallon |
0.17 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
100 Gallon |
0.16 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
250 Gallon |
0.16 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
500 Gallon |
0.16 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
600 Gallon |
0.17 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
750 Gallon |
0.16 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
1000 Gallon |
0.16 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
1250 Gallon |
0.17 mg/L |
< 0.01 mg/L |
99.99% |
1350 Gallon |
0.16 mg/L |
0.03 mg/L |
81.25% |
1425 Gallon |
0.16 mg/L |
0.08 mg/L |
50.00% |
Initial flow | Cycle | Comments |
0.4 gallon/minute at 60 psi. |
10% on and 90% off for a maximum of 16 hours/day. |
The Systematix 9-3/4" cartridge filter reduced the level of lead pumped through the unit to a non-detectable level (<0.01mg/L) to 1250 gallons. |
Respectfully Submitted, Pat Brueckner, Chemist

This Reduction Oxidation Media is Tested and Certified by NSF International against NSF/ANSI Standard 61 for material requirements only.

Water Quality Association